Look Up! January 10, 2025 Life is laden with ups and downs but where we are looking can make all the difference, whether or not we trip and fall or if we will stay the course.
These last few months have brought challenges I hadn’t expected. First there was a difficult hip replacement with nerve complications no one prepared me for.... ..Read MorePreparing for Christmas 2023 December 21, 2023
Preparing for Christmas 2023
Although the story of Jacob in Genesis does not seem like an Advent story the Lord turned it into one for me.
The story of Jacob’s ladder is a familiar one. Jacob, after stealing the first-born’s blessing away from his brother Essau, runs away. (Gen 28: 11-22) On his journey he lays down... ..Read MoreThe Words of our Mouth November 9, 2023 Do you realize that each of us go through life with a remarkable power right under our nose? It is a power so great that it is capable of producing life or death depending on how it's used. The Bible tells us that our words are so powerful that they can bless or curse, encourage... ..Read More