We all face battles, large and small. Like you, when in the middle of the challenge, perhaps getting bad news, being overlooked, misunderstood, out of funds, or simply waiting long......
What God Is Like: By Bill Johnson “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Two thousand years ago, one decree revealed God’s heart more......
Since my grandkids moved in I have come to love the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. If our 3 year old grandson woke up a bit grumpy and warm milk......
Many of my teachings simply come from my quite times with the Lord. This week I was reading in John and I was suddenly struck by the incredible instruction the......
This last week God has been showing me the importance of partnering with the Him to build up the body through words of encouragement and acts of service. Our role......
Rise up daughters of the King and walk out your true destiny. You have taken captive the lies about who you are and exchanged them for my truths. You know......
I want to read a story from Genesis that I believe speaks to the issue of our struggle for our true identity. Genesis 32:24-30 24 So Jacob was left alone, and......
Free Conference Call Conference Dial-in Number: 605-313-4818 Participants Access Code: 580412# For Wed 8:30 AM call This weekend I had a phone conversation with a good friend who was sharing......
As I was navigating some tricky relationships and helping a couple of dear friends do the same this week it occurred to me that in the natural we see others......