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Posts filed under: Ed Klein

This is a bible study and expansion by Evangelist Ed Klein on the three chapters of 2nd Peter. In this series he dives into the passages verse by verse and......
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This is a Sunday from home message that Evangelist Ed Klein delivered in 2008. It challenges us to explore what the word is saying to us directly, and to strive......
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This is a seven part series by Evangelist Ed Klein called the Benefits of Salvation in which he covers what he believes are 7 key benefits. These are, Health &......
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Jesus said: Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My Name? Ask that your joy may be made full. Acts 3:6 Peter said, “Silver or Gold I do not have, but......
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These are a couple of short videos in Ed Klein’s own words about who he was and what he hoped to share and teach people through his teachings and ministry.......
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It says in Psalms 139 “Where could I go from His Spirit?” and of course the answer is nowhere. You and I are always in the presence of the triune......
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The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit has been with us from the beginning. He is the third person of the God head or the Blessed Trinity. Starting at the book......
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In December I gave a teaching on the exchanged life that you and I have in the Lord.  It’s amazing to me how many have said I don’t quite understand......
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